Devblog May 2018

Devblog May 2018

Time goes by and rockets fly high!
Welcome to 4ga devblog May 2018!

We are really close to start open beta! 

What is going on right now?
After a really long winter finally spring has come. Our whole team feels really good! Fortnite season 4 is surprisinglly good. But we still manage to find some time to push our project. We have occurred some unpleasantness connected to Unity 2018.1 update. Exactly with substances. But Allegorithmic support is helping us. Thanks to them(!) in the near future we will be trying to fix Services issues and  finish our kick-ass bosses!

Things we are doing right now:

  • Rocketman Services
  • Website stats
  • Final Fixes of a gameplay

4GA Team