Devblog December 2018

Devblog December 2018 and Year Summary

Welcome to 4ga Devblog December 2018!

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

In this month we had focused on polishing ideas for our secret project.

Additionally we’ve managed to add new Santa hat to Rocketman Mobile. Also we have produced the December update to the game in which we have improved following things:

–Gameplay Experience for Beginners.
–User Interface
–Notifications now can be disabled!
–Removed Set Defaults button.
–Simplified News Screen
–Added Lootboxes Shortcut
–Switched to New Logo!

We want to thank all the people who send us feedback concerning that the gameplay is a bit too harsh for beginners.  

Remember: Your feedback is priceless for us!

Year Summary

The 2018 year was great for all of us. We’ve learned and achieved many different things in Game Development area.
We can also call 2018 the Rocketman year. We are extremely proud that we have managed to finish the game and publish it on Google Play.   

In the first half of the year we’ve focused on making graphics and gameplay. Some major issues were:

– Services

– Statistics

Nevertheless it was pure pleasure to tackle these problems.

In the second half of the year the open beta has been realized and anti-cheat tools were created – and they really work.(As we can see from the reports) Since then we have achieved 3000+ downloads, keeping 500+ active installations and a very positive reviews in offline mobile games ranking. We have only 5 stars reviews on google play for which we are extremely thankful.

See you in 2019!

Wishing you all the best in freshly started new year!

4ga team